Ge-68 PET Cylinder Phantoms and Transmission Rod Sources. Available lengths of 19cm, 27cm and 30cm. Transmission Rod sources available.
Multi-Modality Spot Markers
Dose Calibrator S-Vial Dual Geometry Products
Dose Calibrator Simulated F-18 & Cu-64 (Ge-68)
XX denote the vial size needed – 05 for 5cc, 10 for 10cc, 20 for 20cc.
RadQual Rod Sources
RadQual’s calibrated rod sources typically have a calibration accuracy of ± 3% – 5% at a 95% confidence level. Physical dimensions are 2.96 inches (75 mm) total length by 0.47 inches (11.9 mm) diameter.
RadQual’s calibrated rod sources are manufactured by gravimetric transference of NIST traceable solutions.
Calibration is confirmed using a Sodium Iodide detector.
Spot Markers
RadQual’s Spot Markers are reference sources manufactured by gravimetric transfer of Na-22 or Ge-68 sealed with an epoxy mixture and checked by ion chamber for content. There are two designs available. The traditional Lucite marker with a total diameter of 1.0 inches (2.54 cm), an active area of 0.125 inches (3 mm) and a total thickness of 0.25 inches (6.4 mm). The Aluminum marker has the same physical characteristics but is designed and approved by regulatory authorities for activity content up to 0.6 mCi (22.2 MBq) of Na-22 or Ge-68.
RadQual Rod Sources | PET
RadQual’s calibrated rod sources typically have a calibration accuracy of ± 3% – 5% at a 95% confidence level. Physical dimensions are 2.96 inches (75 mm) total length by 0.47 inches (11.9 mm) diameter.
RadQual’s calibrated rod sources are manufactured by gravimetric transference of NIST traceable solutions.
Calibration is confirmed using a Sodium Iodide detector.